Gardar Eide Einarsson at Honor Fraser, Los Angeles
Gardar Eide Einarsson’s presents his second solo exhibition with Los Angeles gallery Honor Fraser. The artist favors a limited black and white color palette to execute his ideas which often reference counterculture with a cold edged punk aesthetic. The content of Power Under Construction is provocative through its restraint - unlike the acrylic on canvas works on view at last Spring’s Team Gallery show which had a feel of downtown Pop Art, the paintings at Honor Fraser beg comparison to Malevich, in the best way possible. Throughout the floor space, stacks of car tires and street cones are taken from their original function recontextualized in a dialogue with the paintings - a classic element in Einarsson’s practice. Power Under Construction by Eide Einarsson runs through 26 March at the Honor Fraser Gallery, 2622 S. LA Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles. Text Juliana Balestin