To New York with love by Jonas Mekas
Mekas’ exhibition includes two new single channel videos. World Trade Center Haikus pulls personal footage from the 1970s to 1995 when Mekas and his family lived on Orchard Street in Downtown New York. In reviewing the footage, Mekas finds the presence of the World Trade Center towers a source of enchantment, awe and inspiration. The grainy, pieced-together film captures the area with all its grit and beauty.
This past weekend, Mekas also participated in Oil Kills Poets Spill at the New York Marble Cemetary. A group including Vito Acconci, Terence Koh, and Rene Ricard took over the secluded space on 2nd Avenue for an afternoon of outdoor poetry recited in front of Stefan Bondell’s new work Current Sea, a large scale painting covered in a million dollars of shredded bills, blood and BP motor oil. To New York with Love by Jonas Mekas runs until October 31 at James Fuentes LLC 55 Delancey Street, New York. Text Juliana Balestin